Friday, November 30, 2018

Out with Trump

President Donald Trump should be impeached. Reflecting on how the United States has grown socially and as a nation in general, Trump is completely setting us back and undermining our accomplishments. Besides the many administrative mistakes he’s made, he generally does not have the right personality or people skills. First of all, he is misogynistic and sexist. Not only does he not respect women, he is intentionally condescending and insulting. His tweets are one of his worst qualities while also being one of the best ways to highlight this downfall of his (one of many). In one of his tweets, speaking on the topic of women in the media, Trump said "You know, it doesn't really matter what [they] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Furthermore, “Fat. Pig. Dog. Slob. [and] Disgusting animal” are a few more, but not all, of the names President Trump has called women, according to journalist Claire Cohen of The Telegraph. Another one of Trump’s defining, opposite of president-like characteristics is that he is racist. David Leonhardt of The New York Times writes that , “In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti ‘all have AIDS’ and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never ‘go back to their huts in Africa.” Trump also spent several years trying to suggest and even prove that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya. In one tweet, he even said himself that he had been informed by “an extremely credible source” as he put it, that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud. Finally, on top of these two already awful traits of anyone, but especially a president, is that he is constantly lying. Journalists Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo, and Meg Kelly of The Washington Post did an analysis on everything he’d said in a period of time and found that he had made 4229 false claims in 558 days. I could’ve stopped at the first characteristic and that would’ve been enough for someone to not be qualified as president, but all three are far too much.


  1. Hey, I use this post for my blog stage 8. Here's the link if you want to read it:

    Great entry, by the way.

  2. My response (blog 8):

  3. Should President Trump be Impeached written by Aimee Williams is all over the news, does mention the administrative mistakes he has made and he setting us back with our accomplishment. I do see that she is right with Trump being sexist and does respect women. He is being investigated a daily bases and new issues and lies come to the surface. For example his lawyer going to prison to being money laundering. Yes Trump should be impeached.



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