Friday, November 16, 2018

My Comment on "We Should Not Build a Wall Between the United States and Mexico"

Our classmate Kiana wrote a commentary on President Trump's idea to build a wall on the border separating the US and Mexico, and my comment is below:

In this commentary on president Trump's idea to build a wall on the border of the US and Mexico, Kiana first and foremost lays out her belief, which is very strong formatting because it lets readers know exactly what the author is about and what they will be reading about. Still in her introductory paragraph, she employs emotions, which I also think is a strong way to persuade because it gets people feeling and connecting with what she is saying. In the subsequent paragraphs, the author goes on to give evidence and examples supporting her claim. Since she is on the opposing side of Trump's idea, she lists many cons. In listing the negatives, she talks about not only the families that will be affected directly by the wall , but also gives reasons to why all of America will be affected. This is useful and smart because again, people will be able to relate more and are more willing to agree with an argument if they can understand how they are involved themselves. Finally, she writes about what else will have to be done that comes with building this wall and then ends by summarizing her argument. Over all, Kiana does an excellent job of constructing her argument and making it clear and concise, while still incorporating the necessary details to make her claim strong.
Regarding the argument itself, I completely agree with her claim that we should not build the wall. Besides the simple cruelty of separating families and loved ones, a wall between countries is just asking for everyone to hate America. Besides Mexico, countries all over the world will see this as a sign that we think we're too good for everyone else and couldn't possibly interact with people who aren't in America. It just generally isn't a good idea, and Kiana does a great job of explaining this.

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