Friday, November 2, 2018

Euthanasia for All

As cliche as it may sound, tragedy of all sort strikes every day and is unfortunately unavoidable in some cases. Specifically, more often than we’d think or ever hope for, people are being diagnosed with terminating illnesses and become paralyzed in ways that can even require a second human being’s assistance to even stay alive. Sometimes, in such awful cases, even the greatest measures are not able to reverse the damage or do anything at all to aid the situation. Such lifestyles can be severely depressing and unbearable to the point of simply not wanting to continue living.

Imagine waking up one day and not being able to move your body from the neck down and being told that this is your new life, that nothing can be done. You probably cannot even begin to imagine that. I know I can’t. Unless you have experienced that feeling first hand, or something similar, very few situations would allow you to understand exactly how that would feel or affect you. More importantly, only someone in this situation would know what they want moving forward. Only they would have endured whatever pain and suffering would come with this situation, if any. I say “if any” because I personally have never experienced anything like this, so I can only speak to what I’ve heard and what I can assume, as far as feelings. Furthermore, I can only try to imagine what I would want to do with my life moving forward. Not only I, but also anyone else who isn’t the person in the situation, has no right to decide their wants or go as far as to hinder their decision making. With already such little control over the happenings in their life, they do not need any more boundaries on their control, especially when these are decisions that could easily be carried out. 

Just because euthanasia is illegal does not mean people in these situations or mindsets will not find a way to do what they feel necessary, if they are able. If someone wants to end their life, they will. So, why not allow a peaceful and humane means to do so? If this is truly their wish, given their circumstance, they should have the right to do so in a way that also allows the family and/or friends to be supportive and understanding. Euthanasia should especially be legal because of the people with a desire to end their life, but no means to. Who are we to say someone paralyzed from the neck down must go on living against their own will? Euthanasia should be a personal choice, not a concept debated over by people who are completely uninvolved in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Euthanasia should be legalized

    On November 2, 2018, Aimee Williams published an article on why euthanasia should be legalized on her blog. She explains why euthanasia should be legalized and how that could end the pain for the people who suffer or who are unable to move their body.

    Euthanasia is generally defined as the act, undertaken only by a physician, that intentionally ends the life of a person at his or her request.

    I completely agree with the article and believe that anyone who is diagnosed with terminating illnesses and become paralyzed in ways that can even require a second human being’s assistance to even stay alive should do whatever they want with their body. Either they want to end it or stay alive, it's their choice and nobody else.

    Euthanasia in the united states is legal in few states, that is because the individual states license the physicians not the federal government and determine the laws regarding the ending of one's life. That’s why the laws of euthanasia differ drastically from one state to another. The author shares mostly her thoughts on the blog, although It would be good to provide some backup evidence or research, I still agree with her article. Because even thinking logically I feel like it won’t be right to make a decision on someone who is enduring the suffering, pain and is unable to move or do things. States should consider making euthanasia legal because at the end of the day people will still find ways to end thing no matter how inaccessible.

    The topic of euthanasia is one of the most divisive topics on a personal and political level. However, the topic has gained increased attention in recent years and legislation hangs in limbo as of this year. There will be many changes in laws and practice soon.


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